The story follows Jason "Jace" Jardine and Brooke Martin; Jace was Brooke's teenage love, who broke her heart beyond repair.
When Jace needs a wife to help save the family's wedding resort and who better to ask than Brooke, after all she works there as the wedding planner. Brooke does not want to marry Jace, but she also knows that the resort is one of the biggest providers for the island, so she bites the bullet; she just hopes she can keep the secret she's been carrying since Jace walked away from her a decade ago.
They both decide that this marriage of convenience will in no way turn romantic, however, they both come to realized that they are still have feeling for each other.
Jace at first comes across as a bit of an ass, but he eventually grows on you; Brooke is a really heartbreaking character, her childhood is tragic and her past with Jace is sad and yet somehow she always manages to keep a very friendly and happy attitude.
The story is enjoyable and I hope down the line we see books for Jace's brothers', after all, the wedding was their idea.
Rating 4 out of 5
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