Thursday, May 22, 2014

Codename: Action Volume 1 by Chris Roberson, Jonathan Lau (Illustrations)

Loved it, its the first book in it's series, with Captain Action [Agent 1001 at the beginning of the book] as the main character.

The story takes place sometime in the 50's and we have bad guys trying to start WWIII, which is crazy because WWII would not be too far behind. The bad guys are cloning world leaders to push towards war and at the same time are also cloning vigilantes, because you gotta crush home. 

We see characters like Crusader and Hornet and it works because in this series, they play secondary characters that show how Captain Action starts off and comes to be, while at the same time the book shows us Captain Action's future arch-nemesis Dr. Thorpe [evil looking alien brain guy]. I say read, it was fun, it was cool because it's more James Bond cool, so it rocks.

Rating 5 out of 5

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