Friday, November 6, 2015

How to Lose a Bachelor by Anna Banks

Rochelle Ransom and Grant Drake had a fairy tale romance until Rochelle announces getting into law school on the west coast and jumping to conclusions, Grant callously breaks up with her.

Ten years later, Grant has been roped into participating in reality show where a bachelor tries to find "love" and who should be one of the contestants?

Rochelle has joined this reality show to win the cash prize for women's charity, but one look a the bachelor has her wanting to run the other way.

Throughout the whole show Rochelle will do anything to get voted off and Grant will do anything to get a second chance.

The story was so funny, Rochelle's antics will have you on your side. It was really sweet how these two come together again. I would have loved a wedding scene at the end, but the ending was still very good.

Rating 4 out of 5 


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